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Which treatment is best for diabetes: Ayurvedic or Allopathic

Diabetes is basically a metabolic disorder that occurs due to zero or insufficient production of insulin hormone in the body which is responsible for increasing sugar metabolism and thus patient gets a high level of blood sugar.

When there is zero production of insulin hormone it is referred to as Type -1 diabetes and when there is insufficient production of insulin it is referred to as Type-2 diabetes.

Statistically, around 90% of diabetic patients fall into the category of Type-2 diabetes which primarily affects the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and even the heart. Multiple complications that arise out of diabetes include weight loss, numbness in limbs, and severe distress situation, it can even lead to cardiac arrest.

According to a medical report, there are more than 70 million diabetic patients in India and the number is likely to get doubled by the next decade.

So, what is the solution Indian and other diabetic patients globally are opting for and seeking for treating and preventing this multifaceted disease?

In reality, people often consider diabetes a new kind of disease and try to treat it with the modern systems but actually, diabetes is an ancient disease and Ayurveda has effectively combatted this disease and still continues to do so.


Ayurveda Vs Allopathy for treating Diabetes


Modern Approach to Treating Diabetes- Allopathy

Insulin remains the mainstay of treatment for patients with Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes. Other than insulin, a certain drug like Metformin is generally the first medication prescribed for type-2 diabetes. Other than insulin and drugs there are several new technologies like CGM, Flash, and Smart monitors that have emerged to monitor and check blood sugars.

However, the efficacy of treatment of diabetes through the modern approach is quite vague and kind of similar for each patient baring the doses of insulin and the drugs however the approach of ancient Ayurvedic treatment is quite different from the modern approach.


Ayurvedic Approach to Treating Diabetes

Diabetes, which is called Prameha or MAdhumeha in Ayurveda has its own traditional symptoms to diagnose the disease which corresponds to modern science.

Diabetes is not an illness that happens due to an external biotic or chemical attack from outside it is rather an internal imbalance in the alchemy of the physiology of the patients. The allopathic belief system prescribes a number of medicines and drugs accompanied by diet rules and exercise that work with different symptoms.


This is where Ayurved is unique in its approach to treating any illness. The ancient medical discipline treats a person as a whole and not in parts.

The basis of Ayurveda's approach lies in analyzing the patient's body type and categorizing them into either Vata, pita, or Kapha. This particular ancient categorization system detects a person’s physical and psychic structure accurately. And hence the treatment of diabetes by this approach is far more effective.


Mind-Body-Soul Coordination In Ayurveda

Ayurved considers the mind and body as two sides of the same coin and doesn’t see them separately. All the diseases that manifest in the physical body have its root in the mental structure of the patient.

Ayurveda thus takes into account both and presents a holistic approach to treating the illness of the diseased person.


Plant-Based Medicine In Ayurveda

In Ayurveda medicine is extracted from different parts of the plants. These medicines are extremely beneficial and supportive to the pancreas, which helps to repair and strengthen this insulin-producing gland. And when it comes to Allopathic medicine they usually make the pancreas overwork and eventually weaken it.

cure Diabetes with ayurveda image used in the blog "Which treatment is best for diabetes ayurvedic or allopathic"

As a result, it becomes quite imperative for the diabetic patient to take the insulin after being on oral medication for a few years.


Additional Ailment Prevention In the Ayurvedic system

Ayurveda also addresses the additional symptoms that can be caused due to diabetes such as diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, or diabetic retinopathy. Accurate prevention measures are provided by the Ayurveda to keep these symptoms at bay. Thus overall Ayurvedic medicine system strengthens the human immune system greatly.


Ayurveda- A holistic treatment Approach

A single Ayurvedic medicine can address and help to resolve all the issues that a diabetic person faces like exhaustion, muscle weakness, sugar metabolism, and so on. And since the Ayurvedic system is 100% natural, there is no side effect, which means diabetic patients can also lead a happy and wholesome life.


Role Of Ayurveda In Diabetes Treatment

Ayurveda has a unique approach to treating diabetes and it includes diet (pathya), medicines and medications, exercise (vyaayam), and Panchkarma (bio- purification procedures) it definitely works if you stick to it without stopping.

Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment

There are almost 20 types of diabetes according to the ancient ayurvedic medicine system: 4 due to Vata, 6 due to Pitta, and 10 due to Kapha. However, diabetes is primarily Kapha doshaja.


In the following four ways, Ayurveda can help you with diabetes:

1. Ayurveda For Diabetes: Detoxification

    Depending on the condition of the individual, diabetes may cause obesity or emaciation. Toxins can cause hindrance in digestion and can increase in the body to cause diabetes-induced imbalances. The herbs used in detoxing the body help with removing toxins from the body.


    Ayurveda offers an extensive and costly detoxifying program known as Panchkarma. An alternative could be to seek the help of a practitioner of Ayurveda who can help you with a personalized detox plan with herbal and other detoxification techniques at home. 

    2. Ayurveda For Diabetes: Diet

      Ayurveda’s diabetic diet plan is a well-simplified diet plan to minimize sugar in the body to reduce blood glucose levels.

      The diet includes bitter vegetables, ghee, barley, light and herb, and any other right food based on the person’s constituent nature. Honey helps to balance Kapha and can benefit some people.

      It might not be the right course of action for you to eat a Kapha balanced diet if you have mainly Vata constitution.

      Ayurveda adapts diet and herbal plans according to the constitution of each individual and his current imbalances, which makes them so powerful. This is one of the many reasons why opting for ayurvedic medicinal treatment could be beneficial for treating diabetes.


      Foods to Avoid according to Ayurvedic Medicine system if You Have Diabetes:

      These foods must be avoided and prevented if you are a diabetic patient –

      • Junk foods • Butter • Cold Drinks •Alcohol • Curd & Sugar • Sugarcane juice • Oil • Ghee • Jaggery • Cakes • Sour Beverages  • Biscuits • Carbohydrate-dense foods • Root rhizome

      3. Ayurveda For Diabetes: The Herbal Remedies

      Ayurveda specifies the use of some of the herbs that may help in diabetes treatment. Different scholars and learners were drawn to herbal preparations for the treatment of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

      Below is the list of a few ayurvedic herbs used to alleviate symptoms of diabetes.

      • Turmeric: Turmeric powder is an anti-cancer, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and it is one of the strongest natural anti-diabetic agents. It helps in the purification of the blood of the patient, acts as a channel opener, aids in the reduction of resistance of insulin, and thus facilitates glucose entry into the cells. When combined with aloe vera turmeric is very effective.
      • Saptrangi:This is an excellent diabetes treatment. The bark of this tree is quite efficient at regulating blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. It is widely researched and studied in western herbal universities but has been used in Ayurveda for centuries. The herb has been scientifically shown to have properties having anti-diabetic effects.
      • Bilva: This tree’s roots are covered with three leaves. Ayurveda regards any tree with three leaves as divine and the holy place of Lord Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. This tree’s fruit is very beneficial for treating IBS i.e. irritable bowel syndrome. Bilva leaves are excellent for diabetics. The dried leaves of bilva are consumed after turning them into powder.
      • Vizaysaar:The bark of this large tree is effective in treating diabetes. The bark is turned into powder and is then consumed for better results.
      • Gurmar:Gurmar is translated as “The sugar destroyer” in Hindi. It has been used in Ayurveda for centuries for its sugar-regulating properties.

      Recent research indicates that it comprises Gymnemic acid molecules, which are responsible for its anti-diabetic properties. As a result, it is very effective at regulating blood sugar levels.

      • Karela:This works well in managing and reducing complications of diabetes. A 30 ml of Karela juice, for better performance, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is recommended. It works best in combination with Amla juice.
      • Tulsi:The people of India have been worshipping this plant for its extraordinary medicinal properties for centuries. Regular use of tulsi leaves successfully regulates blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

      Additionally, it is also beneficial for a variety of bacterial infections, cancers, respiratory and, sore throats, coughs, and colds.

      • Fenugreek:seed powder of Fenugreek is used to help control blood sugar levels.
      • Neem:It has been historically used to purify the blood and boost the immune system of the individual. It also aids in the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.
      • Guggulu:In Ayurveda, Guggulu has been used for centuries to gently detoxify the body and promote appropriate nutrients by enhancing the metabolism of the body and aiding in the elimination of waste products. Through its removal behavior, it aids in the deletion of excess sugar and fat from the body.
      • Amla:Amla has the richest source of vitamin C on this planet and is a natural super antioxidant. It contains 30 times the amount of vitamin C we can find in an orange. It slows down the aging process and thereby delays the arrival of diabetes complications in an individual.


      4. Ayurveda for Diabetes: Lifestyle Modifications

      Diabetes has recently been categorized as a lifestyle condition rather than a disease associated with the aging process. As mentioned above, diabetes is caused by a so-called affluent lifestyle that basically includes a sedentary work schedule, poor physical activity, and an excessive intake of refined food products. Exercise and yoga are one of the most successful ayurvedic treatments for diabetes.


      Diabetes and Yoga:

      Yoga helps in the good management of diabetes. Since Yoga has a calming effect on the factors that contribute to diabetes. The two major factors that contribute to the development of diabetes are Stress and obesity. Regular yoga practice combined with proper meditation alleviates tension and slows the production of body fat.

      Pranayam, surya namaskar, balasana, vajrasana, sarvangasana, halasana, and dhanurasana are some of the few beneficial postures contributing to healing diabetes.

      Additional approaches for diabetes-control

      • Consume fewer carbohydrates
      • Avoid mid-day naps
      • Say “Big NO” to  alcohol and tobacco
      • Incorporate a small amount of exercise into your everyday routine, just enough to get your heart pumping.
      • Avoid adding an excess amount of oil to your food.
      • Avoid skipping blood tests.
      • Maintain daily health inspections

      Best Ayurvedic medicines to treat Diabetes

      We listed above different therapies available in ayurvedic culture to treat and prevent diabetes.

      In addition to those available therapies, there are several ayurvedic and herbal medicines available on the market that can help you to treat and prevent the symptoms of diabetes.

      Some of the drugs, medicines, and supplements are:

      These drugs offer a plethora of benefits to overall health and thus help to relieve diabetes.

      Bottom Line

      In today’s hectic lifestyle and substandard living, it’s easy to fall into bad behaviors. The stressful daily routine can build up and lead to medical traumas such as hypertension, heart attacks, emotional binge eating (which leads to obesity), and high cholesterol.

      Both of these signs contribute to the development of diabetes; however, you can delay the disease’s early onset by taking control of your daily routine and making healthy lifestyle choices.

      1. Consume a well-balanced diet that is low in sugars.
      2. Increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables (along with some herbs such as turmeric, fenugreek, bitter gourd, and bael).
      3. Regularly practice yoga and the prescribed asanas for diabetes.
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